Mugs of Me

Monday, August 28, 2006

At the edge of my sister's garden - boy did her sunflowers grow!

Me amid the flowers!

Saturday, August 26, 2006


One of the more interesting of God's creation - the life of a butterfly. I don't have pictures of a butterfly egg, or growing caterpillar. I also don't have pictures of this butterfly after it flew away. What I do have is pictures of transformation - transformation from caterpillar, to chrysalis, to butterfly.

A couple weeks ago this monach caterpillar shimmied its way up our window at work then found this nice comfy spot to form a chrysalis.

Just after the caterpillar shed its skin and skoochied up a bit - well on the way to becoming a well-formed chrysalis.

I missed getting a picture of the chrysalis in "pure" chrysalis form - even though I had two weeks to get it - oh, well.

A mere 2-3 hours prior to freeing itself from the chrysalis.

I missed the drama of the butterfly freeing itself from the chrysalis but here it is, flexing and strengthening its wings prior to its maiden flight.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Camping Trip

Our camp. Leslie and Steph around a campfire. Woods in background is home of our friendly neighborhood raccoon (nightly visitor).

Anna & Leslie at the beach one evening.

I'm helping to get a fire going.

Tennis anyone? Steph in action (sorry the pic is a little blurry).